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Speak plainly, and do what you said you were going to do.

I'm proud to say that I've had the opportunity to lead at work, school, and on the playing field. In some cases, the role was one I sought. Others, I'd categorize as "reluctant acceptance" (more on that some other time). Regardless of my feelings going in, I always took the weight and responsibility seriously, and did my best to act accordingly. 

I'd like to think my appointments were based on merit and strong performance, mixed with a little right place/right time. But if I'm self-indulgent enough to scratch below the surface a bit, and come up with answers to the "what makes you a good manager?" interview question, there is one thing that I always come back to. I've seen it in mentors, heard it as a common thread in my reports' reviews, and observed the effects of what NOT adhering to it can do to otherwise capable peers/superiors and their teams. It's almost stunning in its simplicity, yet, in my experience, often overlooked as a requirement. So what is it?? I'll throw quotes around it since it is something I've said and will continue to preach:

"Speak plainly, and do what you said you were going to do."

Now, in defense of those tasked with navigating choppy business waters and the standard messiness of people management, sticking to this tenet is not as easy as I might make it sound. Honesty and transparency can be the most difficult things to provide in the heat of the moment. Saying/writing the convenient thing instead of the right one is often the easiest way to kick the can down the road. However, my light defense should not be confused with justification — quite the opposite. I think the strength of character required to avoid fluff, jargon, and false optimism is a must for truly strong leadership. 

This is not to assert that effective management doesn't require discretion — it most certainly does. Sometimes rationing out details is what's best for the health of the business and the employee's role in it. However, once that discretion crosses the line into deliberate misinformation, unnecessary withholding, or flippant disregard for the accuracy, a penalty is incurred. One day the can won't be able to be kicked any further. 

If you have the privilege of leading smart, diligent people, you should be prepared to be held accountable, or even better, rewarded for honesty and follow through. Just because you don't remember saying something, or don't ascribe importance to what you said, doesn't mean others around you don't. Good leaders choose their words carefully, and follow up on them — it's what your teams count on. 

Yes, conditions change. Depending on the stage of your business or the industry you're in, change may be one of the few things you can actually count on. However, this dynamism can't be used as an excuse to flail and be wishy-washy. In responding to shifting ground, strong leaders reference the initial situation and approach, are open about how it doesn't accord with the new reality, and explain the what/why of the new way forward.

The morale, performance, and stability of teams is more often than not directly related to confidence in leadership. That confidence is won by a track record of performance, clarity of direction, and perhaps most importantly, a sense of trust. A lack of consistency between a leader's words and actions will chip away or even take a huge chunk out of that trust. I've personally witnessed attrition directly related to this. It can be enough on its own to make otherwise content talent start answering recruiter's calls. 

Now of course, it's possible to ignore this premise and still hang on to/get hire for roles that I think require it. Many do. You can probably picture a few examples in your head as you're reading this. But wouldn't you rather stand out? I think you'll find the loyalty you garner, the long term relationships you build, the happy teams you foster will more than justify the means.